Slalom course - regulations

Rules of operation of the slalom course in Roudnice and Labem


1. The slalom course

The slalom canal is used as an artificial slalom course with the river difficulty of WW3–4. The sluice is 12 m wide, 350 m long and situated along the right bank of the Labe river. The beginning of the slalom canal by the butterfly gate is provided with an entrance signalling. If the light is turned on, the sluice is out of order and the gate is being manipulated with.


 2. The movement within the waterworks

Due to the life hazard within the waterworks (forebay, weir structure, tailbay), the slalom course traffic participants are prohibited from entering the weir construction and approaching aforementioned parts of the weir in their boats.

Movement of the participants within the area a forebay and tailbay is restricted with yellow buoys. Sailing into the area of the protective zone is strictly forbidden.


3. Traffic participants

The watercraft must be sailed by persons who are physically and mentally suitable for it, who are familiar with the techniques of sailing and who read these rules of operation. To increase safety, everyone must wear a protective helmet and a life jacket with the weight limit according to canoeing rules in force during both training and races. The traffic participants must not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs and other narcotics. The maximum number of boats in a given hour in the canals is 40 kayaks or 20 rafts. The minimum number for opening the canal is 5 boats.


4. Participants’ obligations

1. During the traffic, all participants must abide by all safety instructions by the workers of the operator. For the sake of their safety, all participants must know all the circumstances on the course.

2. Persons younger than 18 are permitted to train on the course only within an organised group under the supervision of a trainer.

3. Every sportsperson must announce themselves to the administrator of the facility and pay the fee for using the slalom canal.

4. If the public changes the canal’s setting or the location of the gates, the canal needs to be returned into its initial state. The violation of the rules can lead to a fine determined by the administrator.

5. All users must abide by the training schedule located on the and respect the training hours.


The sportsperson who will not abide by the rules will lose the right to train on the course. The organizer of the Canoeing Club Roudnice nad Labem, z.s. bears no responsibility for any damages that occur during training or other sport-related uses of the slalom course (both injuries or boat damages).


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